BBC Mandarin Card Game
Here are the guidelines for playing this card game in just five steps.
Step 1 : Arrange 50 Cards in 4 Stacks
Stack 1: Number Cards (10 Black cards)
Stack 2: Topic Cards (20 Blue cards)
Stack 3: Question Cards (10 Green cards)
Stack 4: Challenge Cards (10 Red cards)
Each stack would then be used according to the game’s steps.

Step 2: Each Player Draws One Number Card At Random
The player with the highest number will ask the player with the lowest number.
Step 3: Ask Question based on the Topic Card & Question Card that were drawn
The player with the highest number will draw one Topic Card and one Question Card, then ask the question to the player with the lowest number.
If both players are able to ask and answer, repeat by drawing another Question Card (Remain Same Topic)
Step 4: When The Player is Unable to Ask or Answer, he or she must draw one Challenge Card.
The player must then complete the challenge according to the number on the Number Card he or she initially drew. The player must continue the challenge until all other players agree that it has been successfully completed.
Step 5: After the player has completed the challenge, allow New Players to participate by repeating Step 2, 3, 4